Monday, February 15, 2010

Happy card day via next in line to pay up

I found out the other day that even though your driving record does matter to insurance companies, the record of the car matters too. That may have come out in a manor that will confuse most. Let me explain what happened. I was talking with my mother about car insurance and she said you know why your car is so high? I said because its a sports car? She said no, because of the model. The lady at the insurance company said that insurance companies raise prices on all models when a certain make of a car is in a certain number of wrecks. So if lets say for example a Ford s10 black pick up was in a wreck in SD and then the same make and model in every state for the next ten months- Every person in the US who owned or bought one of those models would have higher insurance. That annoyed me to no end. I am even more annoyed by State farm for sending me those spam letters in the mail about signing up with them for car insurance. A few months back I looked around for cheaper insurance and now I can't get rid of them. They will send me this lame bumper sticker too. It says- "Please don't hit me. I'm not 100% sure that I'm covered." What do they think I'm going to do with that? Yeah that is so cool, let me put it on my window and show it off. OOOHH BABY!!!!! JK! I personally get the point but they could just let it go by now.
The next thing is this past holiday that we all had to go through. Yes thank you major market companies for your input. God bless the main stream bull crud. You do know what I am talking about there. They do that to make money and no one pays attention because they're too busy looking at all the pretty wrapping paper and cute characters on the packages. The thing that will make you sick is when they use the word LOVE itself to sell Valentine's Day. Love is a word that is hard to come by and the people who use it do not know the actual meaning. So its funny that they sell it off like boxed chocolates. More then likely they're men. They like to party and they drink too much, for got where they left their keys and well- there you go. I go all out for Halloween and Easter. Can I just point out a few things? Please let me. Okay for one- if the people at the bank want to take a day off then great. We would all understand. You work hard. Just do not take off for some holiday like President's Day and say its important like Christmas. Let me point out why. Did you run home to cook all day for your family? Did you learn or study about those men who lead out country and then died? Did you go take a moment of silence or even do anything on that day off to remember them? NO YOU DID NOT, more then likely you did stuff for yourself. So stop using it as an excuse to close the doors. I was not mad or even going to use the bank that day, I am just saying. Holiday time is a way for big companies to make more money and they are so good at it. I still want to point out how silly the idea of the Easter bunny is. I know this is not coming out as funny as it probably is mean and angry- I'm not a joker. I just have an opinion. The thing is- if you woke up on Easter and a giant rabbit was out side your window with a basket of eggs trying to get into your home, you would call the nation guard and you would spray it with a can of raid. I would kick it too. Although I would probably take pictures for my blogger because no one would believe me. Its the cutest thing but still kind of creepy. The reason I love Easter is my faith in Jesus Christ, but that brings me to Christmas. Okay does anyone else find Santa freaky? Santa Claws is some old guy who lives out in the middle of no where with a bunch of midgets. He makes them makes toys. Then Santa goes into town once a year to sneak into your home to give out toys to little kids. He wants them to write him secret letters to tell him what they want. YEAH thats not weird ??? Hey here is a creepy thought- If you take the letters in Santa's name and switch them up, you get Satan. I am going to leave that alone.
I have to say that even with all the pretty red colors Valentines Day is probably one of those boring holidays and it just feels over before it starts. There is nothing to it. Its just lame. The only thing you can say for it is that there is always chocolate. I'm not on a boat. I'm up too late and I'm going to go. I have too much to do and I'm being lazy. I just wanted to mouth off about fake companies and since insurance companies make my shit list- I thought about candy companies who over price around holidays.
The stickers and pictures at the top are credited here-
1. The John Wayne picture is a post card that I picked up a few years back and I did not know what to do with it. He is cool. I'm not big on westerns. I am more of Clint Eastwood fan. Well with Valentine's Day- I had to post a picture of one of the last cow boys you know. Men who do what they say.
2. The Scarling sticker looked like love gone wrong. I do not believe in that whole revenge stuff. So that is sick. I just thought it went with a more so realistic side to this fake holiday. I have always had a dark grim out look on life. So my likes and interest show case it. Whats odd is that the CD from them is not like the sticker.
3. The cat and mouse picture I just love and my cat just had kittens. I think it goes back to moving on with life. Moving forward and not backwards.
4. The garbage sticker- IS simple I think no matter where you come from you should not let it hold you down but you should not forget it. That is not what that band was or is about.
5. The insurance sticker was just proof that I was not making a joke about State farm. They actually sent me that crap.

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