Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Silver Bullet Mints and Blue Hair

I have this habit of trying every candy that comes out on the market and I found some Silver Bullet Mints. They come in a little tin can and claim to offer you werewolf protection. I doubt that because I have never seen a werewolf. They taste like a cross between mint, black liquorish, dust, and cigarettes. I doubt that I'll buy the Silver Bullet mints again but I will keep the little tin can for a keepsake. :) It was cute and had this pretty blue wolf face on it. Very nice. I will add in a picture of the mints later.

I also had a triple chocolate Twix candy bar. It was good. You know how Twix candy bars taste so I'll leave that alone.

I tried one of those Twilight candy bars. Its like a Cadbury Creme Egg. I got the one with Edward on it.

I took a picture of the moon the other night but the shot came out like crap because it was on my cell.

Everyone who knows me, knows that I have sleeping problems. I have tried a LOT of sleeping pills and well they are all the same. If it is not a
valium then what do you expect? My mom told me about a pill called Melatonin that she heard about in a movie. It can be deadly if not taken correctly. Haha. That will make you want to take it. Oh yeah I tried it and it does work. Oddly enough they say not to take it for longer then two weeks. That makes me feel so much safer. Now all I need is one of those disclaimers that say "Keep away from open flames." Then I'll be set for life. YO LOL JK

I am coloring my hair blue, or at least part of it. I already have the orange color due to that red that I put in my hair fading. I want Patty O'Green hair, but more then anything I want purple hair. I figured that if I put blue in my hair, then the redish orange pigments would react well and make a purple color. I hope anyway.

I have seen some more movies but I'm not going to write my typical movie review today. I have a LOT on my mind and I had to go get a bottle of Midol from Wal-Mart. Those dick heads handed me off again and now all these people want to steal from me. I have to stay up all fucking night to finish my work and then I have to copy right it the morning. I don't even know if I will have the money for that. I swear to GOD as my witness that if one of those pissants does not stand up and do something to prevent that shit from happening, then I will blow and I will open my fucking mouth... I will write an autobiography about my life and copy right that. Then I will go after them all in a court room. FUCK THIS SHIT.
Oh yeah here are the movies that I have seen lately;
The Book of Eli,
Dead Clowns.
As a side note; I will come back in here later and I will write a full review on those movies. I'm pissed off more then I ever could have been before. I had to pay $125.00 to prove what we all ready know about me today. So I'm not sure if I can afford a cr. FUCK!

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